Lifting Croatia's borders

As Croatia prepares to become a full member of the European Union, Anna Mitchell quizzes one of the region's top integrators on what this will mean for the country's AV industry.

From declaring independence in 1991, Croatia has experienced fast paced and chequered development. War has dissolved into rapid progression and the young country has a growing, high-income economy. It boasts high levels of education and health and transport services. It is an acceding state of the European Union and expects full membership in July 2013.

AVC Group a distribution and integration firm has been heavily involved in the region from 1990. It started as small company, covering the markets of the former Yugoslavia from an office in Salzburg, Austria. 

Darko Fiolic, who handles sales for AVC Zagreb’s B2B and Tourism divisions, explains how the country’s AV industry has survived war in the region and the current opportunities as well as speculating on the impact that joining the EU would have on the country.

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